Volcano's Industrial Equipment Sector provides Cogeneration burner, Low NOx burner, Low fuel consumption burner and the other burners.
These products can supply clean and efficient thermal energy in various sites.
Over 30 years of installation experience, the burners of SFV series has been employed widely in various field applications particularly in the large-scale power plants, industrial processes, desalination plants, etc. The SFV series burner, with an extremely high turndown range of 50: 1, is a key of our lineup of products and stands on Volcano's symbolic combustion technologies.
SFV (Suspended Flame Venturi Burner), it is derived from the principle that to produce a flame which is stable and properly formed, yet does not come into contact in any way with the register components or with the refractory of the burner throat. This can be attained by the airflow through the air swirler (which imparts to it a rotation motion), thereby producing a hollow rotating cone shape flow pattern and such an angle of dispersion as to match that of the oil spray (intimate air /oil mixing).This has two directions immediately in front of the spray that is necessary to maintain the flame front in a stable position, the airflow through the outside of the swirler ensuring further air turbulence to provide intimate air/oil mixing in the secondary stage of combustion.A specially designed Y-Jet steam assist atomizer achieves excellent atomization over the whole turndown range. As an added feature to the above, venturi register that reduces the register draught loss by 15-20% compared with the conventional design registers.
SFD-GAS series has been developed for burning the low calorific gaseous process waste of industries such as blast furnace gas (BFG), coke oven gas (COG) in the power plant boiler of steelworks, etc. This SFD-GAS series has been playing an important role in energy saving in the steelwork processes and in their IPP power station.
The SFD GAS Series is composed in such a pattern that:Looking at the burner throat front, in the center of the register, fuel oil sprayer with swirler is furnished. Surrounding the exterior of this swirler, multiple gas spuds (Spoke nozzle) are furnished for burning COG, where the primary combustion air throat with burner tile surrounds burner nozzles of both oil and gas fuels COG. Surrounding this primary air throat further, the secondary air throat ring is furnished in which gas nozzles (BFG) and secondary air-opening sectors are annularly assembled in such an order of gas opening - air opening - gas opening - air opening alternately to form the 360 degree gas and air-opening ring where air/gas mixing is to facilitate the burning of low calorific gas.